I pretty much slept through the whole C-section and an hour and a half afterwards. After the C-section was done, they took the baby to get cleaned up and had Trentgo with the baby, he was unsure about leaving my side, but eventually went with Ellie.
So Trent sat with Ellie for a bit then pushed the cart to me in the recovery room, of course I was still sleeping so they decided to wait and not wake me. About another 45 minutes later, they came back to me and I started to wake up, not from being put under but just from being so tired!!! As soon as I did, Trent asked of I wanted to see Ellie, Yes!!!!! I finally got to see and hold my baby girl! She was so sweet, little and so darn cute!
Finally we got to go to our room, where we didn't leave until Tuesday, 5 days later! We decided to keep Ellie in the nursery mostly at night so I could get sleep, but it was so fun to have her with us during the day, of course having to feed her every 3 hours. Saturday, the next day, we had family come and visit, I was so out of it cause I took some narcotics for my surgery, but it was so nice to see visitors as weird as i was feeling.
On that Saturday, Trent went to change Ellie's diaper for the first time and he got the "tar" diaper, well she started to cry and cry, being it was a longer and harder diaper to clean up, and then she had spit up and it went back into her mouth and nose, and she couldn't breathe! we quickly got a nurse in there and the nurse rushed her to the nursery to clean her up and take care of her, and of course Trent quickly went with her to make sure she was all right! I really wanted to jump out of bed and rush to her rescue but was not able to being still sore, and so, helplessly, I watched and waited and just sat there and bawled! Finally Trent came back and said that she was now just fine. What an emotional moment! Luckily our Pediatrician just happen to be there so he checked on her after, to make sure she was ok and he came in and said next time anything like that happens just lay her, stomach down, and pat her back.
Well after that Everything seem to be going well, and she did have to lay under the Jaundice light from 5pmSunday till 4 or 5 am Monday morning. After that, she was much better and the doctor said he was really impressed how fast and better from jaundice she got in a short time!
Over all, we seem to be doing well and by Tuesday we got to go home! It was very nice to be at home, but yet I was kind of like "now what do we do" but just followed the routine from the hospital.
Well that is our story:)

Pictures were taken by Melanie Parker Photography. A good friend of mine and She does a fabulous job!