Well, we (or I, husband went along with it) decided to start a blog since some other family members have them. Also, for the fact that we are expecting our first baby and thought it would be fun to share the changes that are coming.
Just a quick get-to-know summary, Trent and I have been married for 4 and half years. I met him on his mission. My dad was in charge of the missionaries in our ward and was their landlord, Ha! After Trent's mission, (October 2004) we got in contact and pretty much talked on the phone everyday for long periods of time! On April 1st, 2005 he proposed (no, not an April fool's joke) and by Sept 2nd, we were married in the Timpanogas Temple. At this time, Trent was going to school at ITT-tech and working full time, and I just got my Associates degree. I moved from Rexburg to Salt lake city, and we lived in an appartment, in the ghetto, for a year and half. We then moved to Ogden, Utah, where we bought a house, so now we live in a more upper class ghetto (I made friends with my neighbors so I didn't have to worry) :^)
We have been living here since April 2007, and as a surprise, Trent brought home 3 baby kittens in July. I felt three was to many, so we got one adopted and now have 2, very cute, playful, entertaining but sometimes troublesome cats, Yay!
We have done tons of remodeling to our house like the front and back yards, porch and kitchen (I will try to get before and after pictures put up). So now that I am pregnant, I am due June 19th, and Trent and I couldn't be more excited! Oh yeah, we are having a girl!